A Minimalist Art Deco Interior Design Living Room With Emerald & Gold Accents

What’s the Latest Minimalist Art Deco Interior Design Really About?


Minimalism is everywhere these days, isn’t it? In fact, experts say that by 2035, about 45% homes might go minimal. But then, don’t you think they all might start looking like carbon copies of each other? Like, they’ll still use the same white walls, steel-framed furniture, and lifeless Pinterest-inspired setups.Continue Reading

A Group of Two Project Management Officers Reviewing Blueprints on a Construction Site

8 Proven & Expert Project Management Lessons You Need to Learn!


Architectural projects and delays: name a more iconic duo, can you? Whether it’s because of unrealistic schedules, poor project management, or some last-minute changes, most projects end up running behind—or worse, over budget.  Sounds familiar, right? No worries, you’re not alone! In fact, we have good news for you: masteringContinue Reading

Space Architecture Habitats on Venus as Proposed in the Design Thesis

Space Architecture: Exploring the Possibilities of Human Habitats Outside Earth.


Looking at outer space for your next home? Rahul, a final year architecture student from MITSOA is eventually designing innovative space architecture habitats, straight on Venus! Hop on to know his proposed design trajectories, the materials he’s considering, and some other fun facts below! But first, let’s sort the basics!Continue Reading

Sustainable Home Decor With Large Windows, Light Wood & Neutral Furniture Plus Comfortable Beige Sofas

Sustainable Home Decor: Most Ethical and Affordable Choices Out!


Feeling guilty about your home’s environmental impact? You’re definitely not the only one! With all that cheap furniture and plastic stuff, it’s super easy to make choices that aren’t great for the planet. Seriously, who even thought about sustainable home decor back in the day? But fear not—there’s a wayContinue Reading

Close-Up of Efficient Garden Submersible Pumps on a Gravel Bed

Why Should Architects Use Submersible Pumps for Better Urbanism?


Have you ever considered industrial submersible pumps when thinking about city planning? Probably not, right? But do you know that urban planning is more than just fancy buildings and sleek designs? I mean, it’s actually about managing the stuff we don’t always see, like water control, for example.  And let’sContinue Reading